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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Marek Brothers on

Just as legislative action appears to be grinding to a halt in Washington amid an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, business leaders and others gathered in Southeast Texas for a day-long summit focused on the next steps in their fight for immigration reform.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Crystalline silica is a common mineral in the earth's crust, and is found in many types of rock including sand, quartz, and granite. Silica is present in both work and non-work environments, and exposure to crystalline silica dust has long been known to cause a disease called silicosis. When you inhale crystalline silica the lung tissue reacts by… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Tools and equipment include anything from ladders, scaffolds, utility knifes, extension cords, hammer, etc. They seem simple, but tools and equipment can be hazardous on the jobsite or anywhere they are being use. Their greatest hazards are misuse and improper maintenance.Therefore, the Marek Family of Companies provides the necessary equipment to… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

 DISCIPLINARY POLICY All companies, no matter what their business, have certain rules of behavior, which must be observe to ensure a productive, safe operation. The Marek Companies are no exception. For the welfare of all of us who work together on a day-to-day basis, certain actions are serious enough to warrant disciplinary procedures.… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

ACCIDENTSIn the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity. First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. When medical attention is warranted, the supervisor will assist the… read more

by Marek Brothers on

On a recent episode of NPR's 1A, they delved into the real world consequences of stepped-up immigration enforcement in the form of recent workplace raids. From the show notes: "The raids came as the U.S. is experiencing a nationwide labor shortage. While the raided poultry plants held job fairs to try to replace the detained staff,… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

ATTENDANCERegular and on-time attendance is essential to the efficient operations of the Company, and is an essential function of every employee’s job. Excessive absenteeism and tardiness are not only inconvenient, they are also costly problems. While it is recognized that occasional illness or personal reasons cause unavoidable absence or… read more

by Arthur Ehmling on

A construction craft professional was just assigned his first supervisor position as the jobsite foreman. Things went relatively well while the crew was small. As other crafts ramped up, it was necessary for his crew to increase in numbers to keep the job schedule on track. As he was accustomed to working with an experienced crew, he didn’t know… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

How long you work for us is based on how you safely perform your job and meet the production expectations of your supervisor.Every Front Line Supervisor is responsible for timely reporting of all work-related injuries, accidents and fall exposures. To properly carry out his duties, today we are reviewing with all employees, the responsibilities of… read more

by Marek Brothers on

In my role as Executive Director of Construction Career Collaborative (C3), I make many presentations each year to building owners, general contractors, specialty contractors, design professionals and industry trade groups as I evangelize the important work we do. Nearly everyone with whom I meet recognizes that C3’s mission of achieving a safe,… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing employees to such dangers as electrical shock, electrocution, fires and explosions. However when we talk about fires, is also important to mention that sprinkler systems are installed in projects to prevent fire breakouts inside buildings, but when these lines with high-… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Craft professionals in construction have the “gift of choice” and the chance to be the author of their own future. That was the main message from Mike Bellaman, President and CEO of the Associated Builders and Contractors, as he spoke to students graduating from the Workforce Development Program at MAREK this year.

by Marek Brothers on

With less than two weeks to go before the comment period for the new proposed Department of Labor (DOL) rule on Registered Apprenticeship Programs, or RAPs, will be over, it appears that the construction industry organizations have gotten the proverbial “short end of the stick” from a union-backed exemption that excludes construction Industry… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Powder actuated fastening tools have many things in common with sporting rifles and pistols. All use a load to fire a projectile and all are commonly referred to as “guns.”All powder-actuated tools have safety requirements. When not followed, a deadly situation can result. Just as you would never point a field rifle or pistol at another person… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

 Hot weather causes more fatalities than any other weather-related source. Heat waves rarely are given adequate attention but in fact, they claim more lives each year than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Heat waves are a silent killer. Heatstroke also affects both genders equally. However, because many men were exposed to heat in… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Angela Robbins of C3.I have always been a no-nonsense girl and have rarely taken ‘no’ for an answer in my career. The idea of not being allowed to do something simply because I am a woman is difficult for me to tolerate. But this has been a reality for women in the workplace for generations. Although much has… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The filmmakers at The Rational Middle this week put a bow on the first season of their immigration documentary series, calling it a “holistic view” of the issue they hope will “inform the public, shape sensible policy solutions and create a deeper understanding of this important challenge.”

by Marek Brothers on

The following article about the construction and design of the Museum of Fine Arts Houston building called the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, was authored by Jim Kollaer and originally published on Construction Citizen. MAREK is involved in this project and our scope of work includes Drywall, Tape & Float, Thermal Insulation, Acoustical… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

At the Marek Family of Companies we thrive on having safe equipment. Keep in mind that equipment is only as safe as the people who use it are. We have two sizes of the Web-Tex scaffolds: 6’ and 8’. You should use the smallest size possible to reach your work.Today you will discuss the proper uses for a Web-Tex Scaffold, covering the following… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

At the Marek Family of Companies we take pride on everything we do. Our type of work is often performed at heights and working at heights can be hazardous-falls rank as the chief cause of death on the construction jobsite. That’s why the Marek Family of Companies is always looking for ways to protect their employees and get the work done more… read more