Textures are an important part of residential construction. Styles change over the years, and it is often possible to date a house by the type of texture on the walls and ceilings. Texture serves not only a decorative but a functional purpose. When artificial or natural light shines across a wall or ceiling surface, it can accentuate slight irregularities in the wood framing beneath the drywall. Texturing these walls and ceilings tends to break up the light, thus minimizing the slight cosmetic defects that are inherent in every wood framed job. Spray applied textures are typically used in most production houses and multifamily projects. This texture needs to be uniform and consistent throughout the project, without eye-catching defects due to faulty application. MAREK texture crews use the best equipment and materials available, but the most important ingredient of a good texture job is…the applicator. It takes years of experience to master the art of regulating the flow of material and air pressure using a modern spray rig. Only the best and most experienced applicators work on MAREK jobs.
A growing trend in the last few years has been the popularity of hand trowel textures. The unique appearance of hand applied texture appeals to builders and homeowners alike. Some builders want hand trowel texture to accent certain areas, like an entry foyer. Others want it on almost every wall and ceiling of their large luxury home. MAREK artisans were pioneers in developing many original and unique styles, using a variety of techniques to achieve a certain look. Often home buyers or decorators want a specific texture that they have seen in another home, a restaurant, or even a picture in a magazine. Our artisans can make that a reality. If someone is not quite sure what they want, we make sample panels to help them decide. You can even come into our design center, where the customer can view samples of our best and most popular textures and select the right ones for their project.