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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Stan Marek on

Fresh from his swearing in on Inauguration Day, President Joe Biden went to the White House and issued a long-overdue proposal for reforming the broken U.S. immigration system. The echoes of the fireworks that evening had barely faded before Republicans began raising objections to it. Among other things, the plan would create an eight-year… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Most people don’t think much about their feet, until a foot begins to hurt. Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that work related foot injuries are common. Foot injuries can result from… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Sprains and strains continue to be one of the highest types of injuries within our company. By following a few simple rules, many of these injuries can be avoided or their severity greatly reduced. Medical evidence has shown that performing warm-up exercises before work and after breaks reduces strain and sprain type injuries.These rules are:Warm… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Let's take a quick test. How many basic senses do we have at birth? Name them. Is it one.... two.... four? I'm sure we all agree the answer is FIVE. These five senses are SIGHT, HEARING, TASTE, TOUCH and SMELL. If you were faced with sacrificing four of these five basic senses, which ones would you keep? Most people would keep their sense of… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on Business leaders and immigration experts explained the needs for and benefits of creating a policy to ID and Tax unauthorized immigrants during the latest episode of the Rational Middle of Immigration Docuseries: Finding Solutions – The ID and… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing employees to such dangers as electrical shock, electrocution, fires and explosions. However when we talk about fires, is also important to mention that sprinkler systems are installed in projects to prevent fire breakouts inside buildings, but when these lines with high-… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

When we do accident investigations, a lot of times we’ll find injuries can be attributed to some type of distraction. Although it may not be possible to eliminate distractions, experts say steps can be taken to minimize them and recognize when they occur. Different types of distractions When people are distracted, they are not paying attention… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

MAREK hopes you had a great holiday season with your loved ones. Is now time to look at our road ahead and is important to remember that safety is our top priority. We need to remember that we are not getting any younger and that an injury can not only put us out of work but can also jeopardize your family’s wellbeing. In fact, according to the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Do you often need to make strange or awkward movements to get your work done? Long reaches, twists, bends and stretches put your shoulders, back and elbows in uncomfortable and unnatural positions. These postures can injure your nerves and even blood vessels that supply your muscle. Merely reaching behind you or above your head can put your body… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

At MAREK we care for our employees. Safety is a major role in everybody’s life and doing the right thing for the right reason is the key to our success. We, as a group of employees, must focus on safety and prevention by practicing problem identification and problem-solving. To work at MAREK you must care about safety by paying attention to and… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

STILTS POLICY STATES: Employees shall always use a stable surface, scaffold, material stack, or wall for support when getting on or off stilts. When mounting stilts, the top leg strap first will be buckled first. When dismounting, the leg strap is unbuckled last. (Wheels on scaffold must be locked) Today we will discuss the simple precautions… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Charles Frantes: Stan Marek, CEO of the Houston-based MAREK and long-time sensible immigration policy advocate met with host Gregory Kallenberg on a recent episode of the Rational Middle podcast to discuss his hopes and recommendations for a future Biden Administration regarding … read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Attention All Foremen: You will demonstrate a powder-actuated tool to all your employees today. Safe production practices need to be covered in this meeting. You may choose to demonstrate multiple tools with live firing. Powder actuated fastening tools have many things in common with sporting rifles and pistols. All use a load to fire a… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques. Environmental conditions The following four environmental conditions… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

The Marek Family of Companies wants to take this opportunity to give thanks to the most important part of our business – YOU. We hope that you and your family have had a safe and healthy year. We hope you can spend these holidays with family and be able to give thanks for what you have. All of us at Marek can be thankful for another year. We want… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Project Safe states quite simply: Employee Basic Safety Rules, Safe Work Habits: “Careless disregard for the safety of other employees will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate termination." “Employees will be expected to regularly inspect and evaluate the work area for hazardous conditions, and to report any changes immediately to the… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Charles Frantes: Loren C. Steffy discussed the new book he co-authored with Stan Marek, Deconstructed: An Insider's View of Illegal Immigration, on a recent Rational Middle podcast with host Chris Lyon. The book, which is available on Amazon, tells the story of Stan Marek’s family and their… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

This zero tolerance means that certain unsafe employee actions will automatically result in suspension from work. So that employees understand what these actions are that will result in suspension, we will recap the WAR ON FALLS safety violations that will result in a minimum two-day suspension. LADDERS Standing on the top or the second step… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Construction Citizen’s Elizabeth McPherson joined MAREK’s Laura Contreras on a jobsite last year to discuss her success through a NCCER training course at Community Family Centers (CFC). After completing the program at CFC, Laura was immediately hired by MAREK to work in their new flooring division. While Contreras’s mother was taking English… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Most people don’t think much about their feet, until a foot begins to hurt. Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that work related foot injuries are common. Foot injuries can result from… read more