Since ancient times, the nicer homes had smooth walls and ceilings made of plaster. This remained true until the 20th century and the invention of gypsum board. Today, the finish of choice in many multi-million dollar homes and condominiums is gypsum board with a smooth Level 5 finish. And MAREK is the contractor of choice to perform this Level 5 finish. Luxury home builders, architects, and interior designers often request us for their highest profile projects. They know that smooth finish done right requires the steady hand of a trained artisan, and there is no substitute for MAREK’s 80 years of experience working in the finest houses in Texas.
Contemporary style homes are growing in popularity, and most of these houses specify a smooth finish. These houses feature a lot of storefront style windows and natural light, which create many critical lighting conditions. They often have “clouds” and other architectural features, and almost no wood trim to conceal angles and cut edges. Only the most skilled craftsmen can turn out a Level 5 finish in this style of home and make it look “museum quality”. MAREK has more experience doing smooth finishes in contemporary homes than anyone.
Many drywall companies use terms like “smooth wall” or “slick wall” to describe their version of this finish. We prefer to use the Gypsum Association designations (Finish Levels 0 – 5) because they describe the steps required to achieve each level. The highest finish is Level 5. Each step must be done correctly, and if a step is skipped, it may be “smooth wall” but it’s not Level 5. When MAREK says Level 5, we mean full skim coat, by hand, and by the book.