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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Marek Brothers on

HOUSTON, July 30 – Associated Builders and Contractors of Greater Houston, an association representing the interests of merit shop contractors and their employees, announced the recipients of the 2019 STEP awards in the bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond levels at the Membership Breakfast on July 26th. Founded in 1989, STEP participation… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

There are several dangers on job sites simple because of the nature of construction work. When the natural hazards found on construction jobs sites are compounded with clutter and debris, the hazard level increases and the potential for an accident or an injury substantially increases. A construction site with poor housekeeping creates an unsafe… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Scott Braddock and originally published on leaders, educators, and others should be doing all they can to come up with innovative ways to meet the challenge of filling so-called “middle-skill” jobs in Southeast Texas and beyond. That message came through loud and clear during… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

RAIN CAN RUIN A JOBRain may be good for the farmer, but it can turn the jobsite into a giant mud pie. The rain can ruin materials and supplies and generally make things downright messy. Steel gets slippery, equipment gets stuck, and workers get wet. By covering equipment, materials, tools, supplies and people, rain doesn’t have a chance to do as… read more

by Stan Marek on

The lowest unemployment rate in decades is great news, and yet many employers are facing the biggest labor crisis they have faced in years. Full employment is great if everyone working is playing by the same rules. In Texas, more than in any other state, the large number of undocumented workers tend to change the dynamics.An estimated 2 million… read more

by Marek Brothers on

As the 2018-2019 school year closes and we watch the first wave of craft workers hired from the C3 Career Fair enter the workforce as they move beyond graduation, I am reminded how life is full of milestones and moments that mark our progress. These milestones are important. They mark the significant achievements along our path.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Most hazards found at jobsites are man made, while others were there before construction began. Those are the ones that fly, crawl and slither.Insects—Protection from bites and stings is your first defense. Some personal protection measures you can use to avoid getting stung include:Avoid swatting at flying insects. Instead, gently brush them… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

All of us have exposed ourselves to possible injury by taking shortcuts when a few extra seconds would have meant doing something the safe way. We did this as children when we jumped the fence instead of using the gate. We do it today when we cross streets between intersections instead of at corners.Many people show disregard for the fact that… read more

by Marek Brothers on

When you ask Sam Nunez, Corporate Controller at MAREK, what he thinks about training programs at work, he will give you a straightforward answer. “It’s not an option, it’s a must. You’ve got to have (a training program.)” In fact, Sam believes in the value of training employees so much, that he recently shared his insight on a panel at the… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Construction Career Collaborative Executive Director Chuck Gremillion.Nearly ten years ago, a group of leaders in the Houston commercial construction industry met to discuss its biggest future challenge, an aging and diminishing craft workforce.  Baby Boomers were (and still are) reaching retirement age… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

WHY TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER?Actually, we have no control over rain, snow, sleet, wind, lightning or sunshine. But we can control what happens on our job as a result of the elements. Some of the biggest problems on construction jobs are caused by wind and lightning. Wind probably causes the most accidents; lightning can be deadly.WATCH OUT FOR… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

ANSI and OSHA do not reference a maximum service life for synthetic fiber products. ANSI and OSHA standards require that the user remove the equipment from service if it has been subject to the forces of arresting a fall. ANSI A10.32-2012 does not specify a 5-year harness and lanyard service life. It states that "fall protection equipment shall be… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Having heart, ambition, persistence humility, and the ability to build relationships can be the difference between career advancement and unemployment.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Hot weather causes more fatalities than any other weather-related source. Heat waves rarely are given adequate attention but in fact, they claim more lives each year than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Heat waves are a silent killer. Heatstroke also affects both genders equally. However, because many men were exposed to heat in the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

WaterThe natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during work. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of work. That can add up to a lot of water! Water is the best, but it only helps you if you… read more

by Marek Brothers on

BFY and CEF Construction Career Day 2019 The annual Build Your Future Construction Career Day hosted by Construction Education Foundation (CEF) was rescheduled due to extreme weather from last October to April 18, 2019.

by Jorge Vazquez on

There’s one hand tool that demands your respect over many others in the workplace, a tool that can cut you to the bone in an instant . . . the utility knife.Many workers use utility knives to cut drywall, ceiling tile, strapping, puncture shrink wrap and open packaging. But one wrong move and these blades can do serious harm.In fact, nearly 40… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Most people don’t think much about their feet, until a foot begins to hurt. Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that work-related foot injuries are common.Foot injuries can result from:… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Business leaders attended a program to learn about and discuss the future of workforce and immigration in greater Houston and Montgomery County in The Woodlands recently. Data presented by experts revealed the critical and complementary role that immigrants play in the local workforce, and business executives in attendance echoed the case made by… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Accidents occur for many reasons. In most jobsites people tend to look for "things" or “people” to blame when an accident happens, because it's easier than looking for "root causes." While some factors in the workplace can play a role in causing distractions, the fact remains that more hazards result from unsafe acts than from unsafe… read more