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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon The term “line of fire” is very common when talking about the hazards of a work task. Depending on the work being completed, there may be many different lines of fire or there could be very few. It is important to understand the “line of fire” and how to avoid being in it to prevent injuries. What is the “Line of Fire”?A simple definition of… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Workplace Solicitation & Safety Policies We are committed to maintaining a safe, productive, and professional work environment at MAREK. To ensure that all employees can focus on their tasks without distractions, we have clear guidelines regarding the solicitation and distribution of materials in the workplace. Our Solicitation… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  GRAFFITI PREVENTION: PROTECTING OUR PROJECTS  Good morning, team. Today's toolbox talk will focus on an important issue that affects our construction sites: graffiti.  Graffiti not only damages the appearance of our sites but can also have significant repercussions on our projects. We must understand the impact of… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  EYES ARE PRICELESS Let's take a quick test.  How many basic senses do we have at birth?  Name them.  Is it one.... two....  four?  I'm sure we all agree the answer is FIVE.  These five senses are SIGHT, HEARING, TASTE, TOUCH and SMELL.   If you were faced with sacrificing four of these five… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART III  DISCIPLINARY POLICY  All companies, no matter what their business, have certain rules of behavior, which must be observed to ensure a productive, safe operation.  The Marek Companies are no exception.  For the welfare of all of us who work together on a day-to-day basis, certain… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  SAFETY HELMET GUIDANCE UPDATE  Effective January 2, 2025, all locations will use the new Safety Helmet Type II as our standard for head protection. This change applies to all workers performing work at any of our Marek Brothers System projects, regardless of their employment status—whether full-time, part-time, temporary or under… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART II  ACCIDENTS  In the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity.  First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. … read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART I ATTENDANCE Regular and on-time attendance is essential to the efficient operations of the Company and is an essential function of every employee’s job. Excessive absenteeism, tardiness, or early departures are not only inconvenient, but they are also costly problems. While it is recognized that… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon HAZARD ANALYSIS WORKING AROUND SPRINKLERS OR ELECTRICAL AREAS  Notice to Supervisors: Read and prepare for safety meeting. Make sure all employees understand the importance of following our Hazard Analysis and the procedures to work around sprinkler and electrical areas.  Electricity has long been recognized as a… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon SAFETY IN YOUR LIFE 2025  MAREK hopes you had a great holiday season with your loved ones. Is now time to look at our road ahead and remember that safety is our top priority.  We need to remember that we are not getting any younger and that an injury can not only put us out of work but can also jeopardize our family’s well-being.… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  SAFETY HELMET GUIDANCE  Effective January 2, 2025, all locations will use the new Safety Helmet Type II as our standard for head protection. This change applies to all workers performing work at any of our Marek Brothers System projects, regardless of their employment status—whether full-time, part-time, temporary or under any… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon BATTERY-POWERED OUTERWEAR SAFETY  Understanding the Risks  Today, we're here to discuss an important aspect of our safety at work and in our daily lives – batterypowered outerwear. With the advent of technology, battery-powered heated jackets, vests, and other outerwear have become popular, providing warmth and comfort in cold… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  OUR VISION NOBODY GETS HURT  Do you often need to make strange or awkward movements to get your work done?  Long reaches, twists, bends, and stretches put your shoulders, back, and elbows in uncomfortable and unnatural positions.  These postures can injure your nerves and even the blood vessels that supply your… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon COLD WEATHER SAFETY  As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques.  Environmental… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  ABSENTEEISM AND SAFETY HOW NOT BEING THERE AFFECTS EVERYONE   Bob NoPay has a problem that affects a lot of employees; he is speaking to his Production Manager on Friday about a short check.  When all the facts are reviewed, Bob finds out that his attendance is the problem, not a clerical error from his foreman or… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon   At MAREK we care for our employees.  Safety is a major role in everybody’s life and doing the right thing for the right reason is the key to our success.    As a group of employees, we must focus on safety and prevention by practicing problem identification and problem-solving.  To work at MAREK you must care… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Toolbox Talk Icon Stan Marek, CEO of MAREK, received the prestigious Eugene H. Vaughan Civic Leadership Award at the Center for Houston’s Future's signature fall event, Dinner and Conversation, on November 19th in Houston. Margaret Vaughan presented the award in recognition of Mr. Marek’s outstanding leadership, dedicated service, and significant contributions… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  SAFETY FOR THE HOLIDAYS  The Marek Family of Companies wants to take this opportunity to give thanks to the most important part of our business – YOU. We hope you and your family have had a safe and healthy year. We hope you can spend these holidays with your family and give thanks for what you have.  All of us at MAREK… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon  At MAREK, we rely on our employees to work as teams to build our jobs, and without teamwork, we would not be able to accomplish any of our goals. The teams that we have are generally comprised of a very diverse group, be it different trades, races, genders, religions, etc.  We feel that the diversity we have throughout our… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon HAND TOOLS SAFETY Of all the equipment placed at our disposal, common hand tools, which we take for granted, are the most useful and the most often abused.  A recent review of construction injuries reveals quite a number of minor accidents involving hand tools.  To counteract this trend, it would be wise to review the basic… read more