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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Marek Brothers on

Labor Shortage and Immigration Reform Townhall Authored by Charles Frantes and originally published on Business leaders met recently at Amegy Bank in Houston for a town hall discussion on the need for immigration reform to alleviate unprecedented labor shortages as the number of open jobs in the US remains at an all-time high. Experts on immigration policy made the case… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon THE HEAT AFTER THE HOLIDAY If you are not sweating or you have not urinated, is it sign of dehydration. Did you know that after a holiday weekend most people who consumed alcohol are more exposed to dehydration? Drinking alcoholic beverages in hot weather can have serious consequences. During extreme heat, we sweat … read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon WAR ON FALLS HOW TO REPORT AN ACCIDENT How long you work for us is based on how you safely perform your job and meet the production expectations of your supervisor. Every Front Line Supervisor is responsible for timely reporting of all work-related injuries, accidents and fall exposures. To properly carry out their duties, today we are… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon SEVERE WEATHER WHY TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER? Actually, we have no control over rain, snow, sleet, wind, lightning or sunshine. But we can control what happens on our job as a result of the elements. Some of the biggest problems on construction jobs are caused by wind and lightning. Wind probably causes the most accidents; lightning can be… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Distractions Accidents occur for many reasons. In most jobsites people tend to look for "things" or “people” to blame when an accident happens because it's easier than looking for "root causes." While some factors in the workplace can play a role in causing distractions, the fact remains that more hazards result from unsafe acts than from… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Stay Hydrated Water The natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during work. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of work. That can add up to a lot of water! Water is the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Heat Stress  Hot weather causes more fatalities than any other weather-related source. Heat waves rarely are given adequate attention but in fact, they claim more lives each year than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Heat waves are a silent killer. Heatstroke also affects both… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

The “War on Falls” was declared with only one thing in mind – to prevent injuries by eliminating fall exposures. Zero tolerance and suspensions are merely tools to deal with a violation after it occurs. The ultimate goal is eliminate the exposure in the first place. That can only be accomplished by each and every one of us… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

ATTN: Open Enrollment period starts May 11 and ends June 3, 2022. All benefits related information and actions will take place in MyMAREK. Enrollment will be passive. Coverage elections will remain the same unless you are enrolled in a Medical Flexible Spending Account, Dependent Care Reimbursement Account, or Health Savings Account.… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

SHORTCUTS All of us have exposed ourselves to possible injury by taking shortcuts when a few extra seconds would have meant doing something the safe way. We did this as children when we jumped the fence instead of using the gate. We do it today when we cross streets between intersections instead of at corners. Many people show… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT  Tools and equipment include anything from ladders, scaffolds, utility knifes, extension cords, hammer, etc. They seem simple, but tools and equipment can be hazardous on the jobsite or anywhere they are being used. Their greatest hazards are misuse and improper maintenance. Therefore, the Marek Family… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

MATERIAL HANDLING AND HAND SAFETY Sharp edges and puncture hazards When you are handling metal, remember the sharp rolled edges. Every employee gets relaxed around metal: when you see your co-workers do this, remind them about the sharp edges. Many hand lacerations are caused by carelessness - losing your grip and not wearing… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Notice to supervisors: If you are not using stilts on your job, make sure you mention the War on Falls for ladders, lifts, scaffolds, guardrails, and holes. Make sure you also mention the two-day suspension for any fall exposure. WAR ON FALLS STILTS PROJECT SAFE STATES: Only those employees who have been certified under… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Line of Fire Safety Talk The term “line of fire” is very common when talking about the hazards of a work task. Depending on the work being completed, there may be many different lines of fire or there could be very few. It is important to understand the “line of fire” and how to avoid being in it to prevent injuries. What is the “Line of Fire”? A… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

WAR ON FALLS 3 KEYS TO WORK SAFE ON LADDERS Grab a ladder. Stand it up and climb. So simple anyone can do it, right? But if it really were all that simple, 130,000 people wouldn’t get hurt on ladders each year, would they? Most ladder accidents are caused by improper selection, setup, or use, not defects. SELECTION… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART III DISCIPLINARY POLICY All companies, no matter what their business, have certain rules of behavior which must be observed to ensure a productive and safe operation. The Marek Companies are no exception. For the welfare of all of us who work together on a day-to-day basis, certain actions are serious… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

ACCIDENTS In the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity. First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. When medical attention is warranted, the supervisor… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART I ATTENDANCE Regular and on-time attendance is essential to the efficient operations of the company and is an essential function of every employee’s job. Excessive absenteeism and tardiness are not only inconvenient, they are also costly problems. While it is recognized that occasional illness or… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET Most people don’t think much about their feet, until a foot begins to hurt. Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that work related foot injuries are… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

COLD WEATHER SAFETY As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques. Environmental conditions… read more