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Weekly Toolbox Talk: Safety Helmet Guidance




Effective January 2, 2025, all locations will use the new Safety Helmet Type II as our standard for head protection. This change applies to all workers performing work at any of our Marek Brothers System projects, regardless of their employment status—whether full-time, part-time, temporary or under any other arrangement that creates an employer-employee relationship as defined under the OSH Act. 

Why is MAREK moving to require safety helmets for all our locations? 

Construction workers sustain more traumatic brain injuries than employees at any other type of workplace in the United States, according to a recent report from NIOSH. Traumatic brain injuries represented one quarter of all construction fatalities during the eight-year study period. 

The following questions and answers are meant to help clarify the use of the new safety helmets. 

When will Marek workers start using the new Safety Helmet? 

January 02, 2025 


Is there a specific type of brand helmet MAREK is using and why? 

Yes,the MAREK helmet of choice is the Milwaukee Safety Helmet. After months of trials with employees using different brands, the Milwaukee brand was selected as the preferred choice. Milwaukee also collected feedback from our field employees and provided solutions for accessories, price, and MAREK’s color hierarchy. 


Who will need to wear the new Safety Helmet? 

All workers visiting Marek Brothers System projects (Office, field, LSPs, and visitors***)  


Can a different brand, color, or type of helmet be used? 

No, the current option is the new Milwaukee Safety Helmet Type II with the MAREK logo and approved colors. 

Does the helmet need to have the MAREK logo? Yes, always


Does the chin strap always need to be engaged?  Yes, always 

What should a worker do with the old Hard Hat

The old hard hat can be returned to the local MAREK office or kept at home. 

Several of us are nostalgic and would like to keep our hard hats, and that’s great. However, adding a chinstrap to an old hard hat will not comply with this new PPE standard. The standard hard hat has a stamped expiration date, so all hats eventually expire.


Can workers use an old hard hat if they forget the new Safety Helmet at home or elsewhere? 

No, after January 2nd, 2025, all workers will use the new helmet. If a safety helmet is unavailable for the worker to wear at the jobsite, the worker would have to leave the jobsite and return when they bring the new safety helmet. 


What happens if a worker loses the safety helmet? 

Inform someone in management so they can replace the helmet. Please note that the branch reserves the right to charge the helmet's cost if it is lost or intentionally damaged. 


Are LSPs (Labor Service Providers) also required to wear Helmets Type II? 

Yes, all LSPs must comply with the use of Helmets Type II. 


If a helmet is returned, i.e., the worker leaves MAREK. The helmet can be evaluated and reused for other LSPs if it passes an inspection per manufacturer requirements. Can Marek require workers to return the Helmet?  Yes 


Are Safety Glasses/Spoggles being replaced by Safety Visors? 

No, safety visors are a new accessory with the same rating as safety glasses, but safety glasses/spoggles are still permitted for eye protection. 


Differences between Visors/Glasses/Face Shields 

  1. Visors are a new optional accessory that complies with ANSI/ISEA Z87.1 + 
  2. Visors are not Face Shields; they don’t provide full face protection.  

  3. Full face protection requires the use of Face shield and safety glasses/spoggles for all operations using tools generating debris that could impact the face 

  4. Milwaukee Face Shield complies with ANSI/ISEA Z87.1+ impact ratings, so using glasses/spoggles underneath the face shield is still required per the manufacturer. 

  5. Visors can be used instead of safety glasses/spoggles.   
  6. Safety Glasses/Spoggles are not required to be worn underneath the visors. 

  7. If prescription glasses are used, at least one criteria must be met 
    1. Meet ANSI/ISEA Z87.1 + 

    2. Use visors over the prescription glasses 
    3. Use Over Glass Protection. 


Helmet Accessories 

Helmets come with various accessories from the manufacturer, but MAREK is not required to purchase or provide all of them. 


1. Eye Visor- Optional*-. (It meets ANSI Z87.1+) 

a.Visors are classified as spectacles and can be used instead of safety glasses/spoggles. 


If you have any additional questions not covered in this guide, please contact your MAREK Safety Department for further clarification.