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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART II ACCIDENTS In the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity. First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. When medical attention is warranted, the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PART I ATTENDANCE Regular and on-time attendance is essential to the efficient operations of the company and is an essential function of every employee’s job. Excessive absenteeism, tardiness, or early departures are not only inconvenient, but they are also costly problems. While it is recognized that occasional illness or… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon HAZARD ANALYSIS WORKING AROUND SPRINKLERS OR ELECTRICAL AREAS Notice to Supervisors: Read and prepare for safety meeting. Make sure all employees understand the importance of following our Hazard Analysis and the procedures to work around sprinkler and electrical areas. Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard,… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon NOTE: IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO SUPERVISORS: Encourage employees to take frequent breaks for rest and water breaks for workers that feel heat discomfort. Identify cooler areas where employees can take a moment and cool themselves from the heat.   Stay Hydrated Water The natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon NOTE: IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO SUPERVISORS: Encourage employees to take frequent breaks for rest and water breaks for workers that feel heat discomfort. Identify cooler areas where employees can take a moment and cool themselves from the heat. THE HEAT If you are not sweating or you have not urinated, it is a sign of dehydration. Did you know… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Personal Safety Measures The Marek Family of Companies is responsible for training you in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and of the safety hazards applicable to your workplace. However, you are also an important player in jobsite safety and security. The simplest of tasks, such as placing trash where it belongs, picking up… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon SEVERE WEATHER WHY TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER? Actually, we have no control over rain, snow, sleet, wind, lightning or sunshine. But we can control what happens on our job as a result of the elements. Some of the biggest problems on construction jobs are caused by wind and lightning. Wind probably causes the most accidents; lightning can be… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon WAR ON FALLS 3 KEYS TO WORK SAFE ON LADDERS Grab a ladder. Stand it up and climb. So simple anyone can do it, right? But if it really were all that simple, 130,000 people wouldn’t get hurt on ladders each year, would they? Most ladder accidents are caused by improper selection, setup, or use, not defects. SELECTION Be sure the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Carelessness Causes Accidents Note to Supervisors: Read and prepare for meeting by looking over your jobsite and how your personnel are approaching their jobs. Carelessness is not acceptable. Project Safe states quite simply: Employee Basic Safety Rules, Safe Work Habits: “Careless disregard for the safety of other employees will not… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Heat Stress Hot weather causes more fatalities than any other weather-related source. Heat waves rarely are given adequate attention but in fact, they claim more lives each year than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Heat waves are a silent killer. Heatstroke also affects both genders equally. However, because many men were… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Stay Hydrated Water The natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during work. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of work. That can add up to a lot of water! Water is the best, but it… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? Noise is one of the most common health problems in workplaces today. Right now, about 30 million workers are exposed to high noise levels. If you’re one of those workers, you may be losing some of your hearing. And you might not realize it until it’s too late!!! Most of us take hearing for granted. When we go home at… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon NOTE: Open enrollment is closing on June 2, 2023. You still have time to evaluate your benefit choices that are available to you by MAREK. If you do not complete your enrollment, your coverage elections will remain the same, except for contributions to your Medical Flexible Spending Account, Dependent Care Reimbursement Account, or Health… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon Shortcuts All of us have exposed ourselves to possible injury by taking shortcuts when a few extra seconds would have meant doing something the safe way. We did this as children when we jumped the fence instead of using the gate. We do it today when we cross streets between intersections instead of at corners. Many people show disregard for… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon HOUSEKEEPING AND TRASH REMOVAL There are several dangers on job sites simply because of the nature of construction work. When the natural hazards found on construction jobs sites are compounded with clutter and debris, the hazard level increases and the potential for an accident or an injury substantially increases. A construction site with… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Fundamentals of Building Trades - Fireproofing, Firestopping and Building Thermal Insulation October 9, 2023 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CDT) AGC Houston, 3825 DACOMA, Houston, TX, 77092   Description The Fundamentals of Building Trades – Fireproofing, Firestopping and Building Thermal course is a one-session, in person program designed to… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon NOTE: Open Enrollment is open! May 10 – June 02. Make sure to log in to your MyMarek to review: Your elections Update people to cover & emergency contacts Add dependent SSNs Update beneficiaries for life insurance plans Update phone numbers and addresses Web-Tex Scaffold Safety At the Marek Family of… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon ATTN: Open Enrollment starts May 10 and ends June 2, 2023. There will be Virtual and in-person meetings this year. Be sure to join one of the meetings to get all information about the upcoming new plan year!   Houston - In-Person Meeting May 10 at 9:00am – English & Spanish May 10 at 4:00pm – English & Spanish 2115 Judiway… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Toolbox Talk Icon WEAR EYE PROTECTION PROPERLY We have talked about eye protection many times in the past. There is no question how fragile our eyes are and how important it is to protect them. We all know when to wear eye protection on the job, but today we want to talk about other eye injuries that occur and how to prevent them. The majority of eye… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Toolbox Talk Icon NOTE: Open Enrollment period starts May 10 and ends June 2, 2023. All benefits related information and actions will take place in MyMAREK. NEW: Medical, Vision, and Dental plans are moving to Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX . If you do not complete your enrollment, your coverage elections will remain the same, except for FSA, Dependent… read more