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Check out what's happening at Marek and in the construction industry.

by Jorge Vazquez on

Note to Supervisors: Read and prepare. Your objective is to point out the dangers of the most common – AND PREVENTABLE – causes of serious accidents. Explain practices to help avoid these types of accidents. You should hold this meeting on the floor so you can move around and point out and identify possible slip, trip and fall hazards.We have all… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Tools and equipment include anything from ladders, scaffolds, utility knifes, extension cords, hammer, etc. They seem simple, but tools and equipment can be hazardous on the jobsite or anywhere they are being use. Their greatest hazards are misuse and improper maintenance.Therefore, the Marek Family of Companies provides the necessary equipment to… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Scott Braddock and originally published on Construction Citizen.Leaders in the commercial construction industry in Houston have a lot to be thankful for despite a state and global economy that is struggling in many ways. Houston – along with the rest of Texas – has been hit hard by the downturn in energy but… read more

by Marek Brothers on

In this article, Construction Citizen learns more about Building Information Modeling from Marek BIM Specialists, Paul Godwin and Hector Gonzalez. This article was authored by Jim Kollaer.Building Information Modeling or BIM has been around the architectural profession for several decades, but it is just now hitting the offices and projects in the… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

You are at risk from falling objects when you are beneath equipment, scaffolds, etc., or where overhead work is being performed. There is a danger from flying objects when power tools, or activities like pushing, pulling, or prying, may cause objects to become airborne. Injuries can range from minor abrasions to concussions, blindness, or death.… read more

by David Schlater on

On March 2nd, 2017, our Marek WFD team was given the opportunity to coach and mentor the students of the Booker T. Washington High School in a Framing and Drywall clinic. In this clinic, we were able to show over 40 Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors the best practices our company uses to be the best Drywall Contractor in Houston.The students showed… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

We have talked about eye protection many times in the past. There is no question how fragile our eyes are and how important it is to protect them. We all know when to wear eye protection on the job, but today we want to talk about other eye injuries that occur and how to prevent them. The majority of eye injuries do not occur because we failed to… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Mark L. Johnson and originally published in AWCI's Construction Dimensions magazine.How do you ensure workers sharpen their skill sets? It’s a problem common in regions lacking unions and their great training programs. Most open shops can’t afford to develop craft training on their own. It’s time-consuming. It… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Note to Supervisors: Read and prepare. Your objective is to demonstrate and prepare a scissor lift for the meeting to identify the hazards of an aerial lift. You have to make sure your employees are trained and aware of any hazards before they can use an aerial lift.The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that more than 25 construction workers… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

How long you work for us is based on how you safely perform your job and meet the production expectations of your supervisor.Every Front Line Supervisor is responsible for timely reporting of all work-related injuries, accidents and fall exposures. To properly carry out his duties, today we are reviewing with all employees, the responsibilities of… read more

by Stan Marek on

The Houston Chronicle published this article in the last few days about our undocumented workforce, primarily in the construction industry, and it deserves an immediate response.The author laid it out very well. The undocumented workforce is and has been providing cheap labor for over three decades and they would be sorely missed if deportations… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

In any company, whether differences among members are great or small, functioning as a team is critical to success.In today’s meeting, we want to focus on behaviors that violate these principles in the worst way. We are speaking of verbal and physical confrontations, more commonly known as "having words” and fighting. Our company’s response to… read more

by Stan Marek on

President Trump's hastily arranged ban on foreigners traveling to the United States from select countries sparked protests, invited a court fight, and helped make the case for large-scale immigration reform - even if that last result was not a consequence he intended.During the campaign and in defending his most recent immigration actions, Trump… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The construction industry today more than ever is an industry that focuses on the horizon, and the 2017 AIA/TEXO Economic Outlook Forum in Dallas was just another example. This annual event provides both architects and contractors the opportunity to hear from nationally renowned economists such as Anirban Basu as well as leading developers who… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Bob NoPay has a problem that affects a lot of employees; he is speaking to his Production Manager on Friday about a short check. When all the facts are reviewed, Bob finds out that his attendance is the problem, not a clerical error from his foreman or payroll.Absenteeism impacts Marek in many ways. Your foreman and Production Manager can explain… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Project Safe new policy states:GLOVES: Employees will wear gloves any time they are handling any metal material including but not limited to, studs, track, ceiling grid, corner bead or any other sharp-edged or pointed material that creates an exposure for cuts or puncture wounds. In addition, gloves will be required anytime an employee is handling… read more

by Marek Brothers on

Through their various trade associations, construction executives from all over Texas are letting state lawmakers know what they think about issues that impact the industry. The Texas Construction Association, the Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas, and other groups have compiled lists of reforms and proposed changes to state laws… read more

by Marek Brothers on

John L., Bill, & Ralph Marek founded the Marek Family of Companies with a strong commitment to its employees and their families. The Marek brothers' tradition of developing and nurturing its employees provides a unique opportunity for individuals looking for a career in the construction industry. For that reason, the Marek Scholarship was… read more

by Jorge Vazquez on

Electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing employees to such dangers as electrical shock, electrocution, fires and explosions. However when we talk about fires, is also important to mention that sprinkler systems are installed in projects to prevent fire breakouts inside buildings, but when these lines with high-… read more

by Marek Brothers on

The following article was authored by Scott Braddock and originally published in Braddock discusses a recent Bloomberg article where Marek CEO Stan Marek was interviewed.President Donald Trump's proposed border wall isn't just highly controversial. Now that he’s been elected and has begun the process of fulfilling… read more