
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Housekeeping and Trash Removal

There are several dangers on job sites simple because of the nature of construction work. When the natural hazards found on construction jobs sites are compounded with clutter and debris, the hazard level increases and the potential for an accident or an injury substantially increases. A construction site with poor housekeeping creates an unsafe and less productive working environment.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Struck By Falling/Flying Objects

You are at risk from falling objects when you are beneath equipment, scaffolds, etc., or where overhead work is being performed. There is a danger from flying objects when power tools, or activities like pushing, pulling, or prying, may cause objects to become airborne. Injuries can range from minor abrasions to concussions, blindness, or death.

How to Avoid Hazards?

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Family

Ten years ago, we took the time to have a small survey at every jobsite asking employees what was the most important thing they work safe for? and the answer was Family. I would like to share a few of those comments written by our Marek employees and I also want to ask you the same question today. What is the most important thing that you work for today?