Weekly Toolbox Talk: Employee Handbook Part 2
In the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity. First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. When medical attention is warranted, the supervisor will assist the employee in getting to proper medical facilities.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: The Beginning of 2017
Marek hopes you had a great holiday season with your love ones. Is now time to look at our road ahead and is important to remember that safety is our top priority. We need to remember that we are not getting any younger and that an injury can not only put us out of work, but can also jeopardize your family’s well being.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Shortcuts
All of us have exposed ourselves to possible injury by taking shortcuts when a few extra seconds would have meant doing something the safe way. We did this as children when we jumped the fence instead of using the gate. We do it today when we cross streets between intersections instead of at corners.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Our Vision - Nobody Gets Hurt
Do you often need to make strange or awkward movements to get your work done? Long reaches, twists, bends and stretches put your shoulders, back and elbows in uncomfortable and unnatural positions. These postures can injure your nerves and even blood vessels that supply your muscle.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Turn It Off
When was the last time you saw someone "on the job" also on their phone? In a single day a large number of employees are checking their phones:
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Why Safety?
Why is accident prevention so important? Do you view accident prevention as simply a way to avoid getting hurt? Do you work safely just because you want to? Perhaps you view accident prevention as a way of keeping the company happy or your supervisor off your back. Maybe you just do it because you have been told to.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Because We Care
At MAREK we care for our employees. Safety is a major role in everybody’s life and doing the right thing for the right reason is the key to our success.
We, as a group of employees, must focus on safety and prevention by practicing problem identification and problem solving. To work at MAREK you must care about safety by paying attention to and avoiding hazards.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Cold Weather Safety
As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques.
Environmental conditions
The following four environmental conditions are the causes of cold-related stress: