In the blog.

Humble Beginnings

Marek Chief Operating Officer Mike Holland wrote the following "Letter from the Chair" for ABC Houston's Build Houston magazine. Holland is the 2016 ABC Greater Houston Chair.

I want to wish all of our ABC Greater Houston members a happy and prosperous 2016. We are indeed blessed to be in Houston, and the great state of Texas. While the impact of an uncertain future concerning the energy industry is looming, we are surrounded by positive signs and a “can do” attitude in our community.Several recent events point to progress for our chapter and its strategic objectives. 

  • In continuation of our focus on workforce development, put in place by our previous board chair Darlene East with Holes Incorporated, we welcome Michael Richter as our new Vice President of Education and Workforce Development. Overseeing the ABC training affiliate CMEF, Michael will be working to enhance existing programs, develop new training delivery methods, and build consensus among commercial contractors on craft training programs they use to increase performance. 
  • Staying on the workforce theme, The Greater Houston Partnership has announced they will construct their new office space downtown utilizing the Construction Career Collaborative (C3) principles. ABC was one of the original endorsers of C3, along with several other construction associations, and stands firmly behind the mission of developing sustainable employment practices, safety, and craft traini ng to sustain our workforce into the future.
  • I am proud to say our chapter has recently been awarded the status of a “High Performing Chapter” by ABC National through the accreditation process, an endorsement of the good work by our staff, members, and volunteers.

I am preceded as board chair by Darlene East, Tim Ricketts, Lohn Zylicz, Dwayne Boudreaux, and many others who leave a legacy of leadership and commitment to ABC and its members. I will be challenged to fill their capable shoes.

It is my sincere hope ABC Greater Houston and CMEF can offer a valuable service of some kind to each of your firms this year. Few organizations can boast of the passion and excellence our member firms and volunteers exhibit every day. I am pleased to serve as your 2016 Board Chair and I welcome any questions or concerns you have.